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Online-Regular Top Age 18-49 July 2021

1Xiong, Jeffery (13648621)20TXUSA2807
2Sevian, Samuel (13493815)20MAUSA2699
3Swiercz, Dariusz (16113717)27MOUSA2696
4Burke, John Michael (14069596)20NJUSA2655
5Lenderman, Aleksandr (12787646)31NYUSA2650
6Checa, Nicolas De T (14129047)19NYUSA2624
7Moradiabadi, Elshan (14821464)36NCUSA2623
8Niemann, Hans (15041466)18CTUSA2619
9Erenburg, Sergey (13674544)38VAUSA2617
10Balakrishnan, Praveen (14056673)19VAUSA2595
11Sinha, Sahil (14307325)20MDUSA2543
12Sheng, Joshua (13974250)20CAUSA2538
13Gareyev, Timur (13262157)33KSUSA2526
14Brodsky, David (14380771)18NYUSA2509
15Griffith, Kyron Waykuan (12860484)26CAUSA2485
16Ippolito, Dean J (12445752)42NJUSA2473
17Tiglon, Bryce (14230627)20WAUSA2447
18Taghizadeh, Rayan (13880825)18CAUSA2444
=18Wang, Annie (13919214)19CAUSA2444
20Sarkar, Justin Joseph (12561884)40NYUSA2402
21Chen, Justin (14732288)18NYUSA2383
22Eswaran, Ashritha (14044705)20CAUSA2381
23Wang, Eigen (12867312)28OHUSA2362
=23Morefield, Jason P (15170936)18VAUSA2362
25Lin, Dachey (13147854)21TXUSA2357
=25Yu, Jennifer R (14117950)19VAUSA2357
27Porter, Ryan W (12493763)42WAUSA2345
28Nguyen, Emily Quynh (13942431)18TXUSA2341
29Cervantes, Thalia (15470615)18MOUSA2339
30Wan, Joseph Cheng-Yue (14023940)19IAUSA2305
31Busygin, Stanislav (13462174)46PAUSA2292
=31Wang, Michael (14224170)19CAUSA2292
33Tanenbaum, Zachary (13616253)20CTUSA2290
34Shi, Jason (14026495)20CTUSA2276
35Yang, Christopher (13228721)22PAUSA2269
36Samuelson, Andrew (20051892)39VAUSA2268
37Kavi, Nithin (14212491)19MAUSA2224
38Liu, Aristo S (14702445)18OHUSA2223
39Myers, Dominique (13057743)29NCUSA2218
40Webster, Dex (13743486)20LAUSA2216
41Yaskolko, Maxim (14007625)18PAUSA2214
42Hon, Eric (13778105)22UTUSA2211
43Morris-Suzuki, Sophie (15542082)19NYUSA2187
44Vittal, Sanjana (14713858)18NJUSA2176
45Pan, Christopher (14693153)20CAUSA2173
46Aigner, Michael (12595730)47CAUSA2166
47Eisen, Zane (12854033)25OHUSA2165
48Mohammadi, Sina (14116846)19TXUSA2151
49Khattar, Tanmay (13833487)22CAUSA2147
50Finn, Sean (12623958)33NJUSA2130
51Belanoff, Ted (12758264)30NYUSA2116
52Bonam, Saigautam (14765995)18VAUSA2112
53Khanna, Nalin Clement (13847911)20PAUSA2102
54Rabin, Evan (12720571)30NYUSA2100
55Panuganti, Kireet Venkata (13843374)22NCUSA2099
56Takahashi, Michael (14333301)19IAUSA2087
57Mangalam, Shreya (14385521)18ILUSA2086
58Malayappan, Rahul Ramesh (15171018)21CAUSA2079
59Agarwal, Yuvanshu (14789992)18NJUSA2057
60Narayanan, Akash (14919964)18MIUSA2053
61Serota, Adam H (14319088)18PAUSA2049
62Moroney, Timothy M (12771395)33WAUSA2047
63Grudzinski, Thomas (14302486)25MAUSA2043
64Chen, Derek Li (14883880)20NYUSA2033
65Wang, Michael Lei (13605850)21CAUSA2022
66Nguyen, Tinh Son (16073621)18UTUSA2019
67Viswanathan, Arul (14490424)18CAUSA2014
68Liou, Arthur (12906142)27CAUSA2005
=68Farberov, Maxim (13589163)23NJUSA2005
70Chinnambeti, Abhinav (14742546)18NJUSA1987
71Schenk, Sam (14675052)19VAUSA1968
72Heggli-Nonay, Oliver Alexander (16244588)19DCUSA1956
73Bernat, David (12925963)25IAUSA1945
74Bhanuprasad, Meghana (14434035)19MDUSA1938
75Soetedjo, James (14210211)20WAUSA1937
76Coy, Matthew Miller (14688435)18AZUSA1925
77Chang, Nathan (14698034)18CTUSA1912
78Chan, Matthew M (13910194)22CTUSA1907
79Jones, Jacob Benjamin (16585267)18MDUSA1900
80Walsh, Sara Rene (12457717)40NCUSA1891
81Hunter, Zachary William Saunders (13525092)20NCUSA1882
82Nayberg, Simona (14373224)18CAUSA1881
83Furman, Mikhail (12840522)29NYUSA1879
84Ackerman, Ryan (13432771)29WAUSA1844
85Kalyanraman, Nikhil (14918830)18NJUSA1843
86Hemingway, Kevin (13933883)20PAUSA1834
87Lee, Brian (15740081)18WAUSA1831
88Dommalapati, Abhinay (13778441)22VAUSA1807
89Gerstoft, Philip (12913356)32CAUSA1805
90Pakh, Alex (12903379)24NYUSA1798
91Thompson, Cameron Welles (15152107)24WAUSA1780
92Vishwa, Susheel (14918097)19VAUSA1759
93Lauser, Jessica T (12593821)41MOUSA1720
94Thain, Jack (13785212)20ILUSA1714
95Kalia, Ojas (14816128)18FLUSA1668
96Pugh, Stacia M (15901008)42OHUSA1631
97Niemi, Nicole (12640884)34TXUSA1618
98Malykin, Erika (12910007)27CAUSA1578
99Hall, Jay Roy (14464591)47WIUSA1487
100Mcroberts, Holly J (12822112)44NMUSA1421
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
